Sunday, January 3, 2021

2021 Word of the Year: Breathe


Many of my friends pick a word for each new year, a word that will express their desires and their hopes.  A word that will inspire actions and thoughts in the next 365 days. 

The last present my mom would ever give me arrived in the mail.  It was a cotton wrap that said, “Just Breathe.”  Beside the words was an image of a dandelion puffball being blown into the breeze.

At first, I thought my mom was telling me to “be calm and carry on.”  However, the dandelion helped me imagine breathing into the puffball, releasing its seeds into the breeze to be carried far away.  

My word for 2021 is Breathe.


Breathe out.  I intend to breathe out stress and undue responsibility by realizing I cannot control the world, including the actions, apathy, or choices of others.  I intend to breathe out the “what if’s” that continually hound me.  I hope to breathe in this moment only.

Just breathe.  I intend to keep reminding myself to just breathe.  Be confident that these words are true:  “You are enough.”  I don’t need to do more.  I don’t need to impress.  I don’t need to be more or be different.  Just breathe.  Remember those around me who love me just as I am.  Focus on those who see me and hear me just as I am.

Breathe in.  I intend in 2021 to breathe in activities, people, dreams, and places that breathe life into me.  What brings me joy?  Happiness?  A sense of peace?  A sense of contentment?  A sense of goodness?  This might mean a brisk morning walk---or sitting still in the sunshine and not doing anything.  It might be a Zoom call with a dear friend or a glass of wine at the end of the day.  I intend to breathe life into myself since I often tend to care for others—at my own detriment. 

Breathe into.  I intend in 2021 to breathe hope, love, and kindness into those around me.  My goal would be to breathe kind words into someone each day---whether it is thanking the convenience store clerk who smiles each morning as I get my Diet Dr. Pepper or perhaps telling someone who matters to me what they mean to me.  Some of the most precious moments cleaning out my mom’s house involved uncovering all the notes that she placed around her house—notes my dad had left her from 27+ years prior, notes that told her how amazing she was and how he loved her.  Those words on those worn-out, yellowed sheets of paper held her up all those years.  Three words can make a difference in someone’s day (or life).

Breathe beyond.  I intend to breathe beyond this moment.  I will live with the hope that the seeds of possibility are riding the breeze to be planted. 


“I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am.” ~Sylvia Plath

“When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.” ~Author Unknown 

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