Saturday, September 8, 2018

Let It Rain

At moments like this, I wish I had a tin roof. 

The rain alternates today between sprinkles and sideways downpours.  I can only imagine how much I would love hearing the rain patter on a tin roof.

For some, this might seem like a dreary day, but for a former Floridian who loved daily summer rains, this day is a dream.  We have just survived another rainless Texas summer.  12” of rain below normal here in Waco.  No rain for months.  No big puffy clouds in the sky to hide the sun.  Cracks in my yard wide enough and big enough to serve as a koozie for a Dr. Pepper can.

Each drop right now feels like food for my soul.

Just like this rain soaks the hardened ground and revives life in my brown yard, this rain is reviving me as well.

Each drop promises the start of new life in the ground---and gives me hope of new life in me.

Sometimes life feels just like a Texas summer---arid, dry, dusty, and brown.  All that is green and full of hope is withering. 

Since December when Anthony and I faced an empty nest two-and-a-half years earlier than anticipated, I have had to ask what feeds and waters my soul. 

Without rediscovering several sources of refreshment, depression can take hold in mighty ways, weighing me down in a flood of tears. 

Each of us needs a source of water.

The last nine months have revealed several forms of refreshment:
1. The power of quiet faith
2. The security that comes from a loving and supportive husband and family
3. The joy of laughing with friends (and even the relief of venting with friends)
4. The comfort from the words of those who have walked similar paths
5. The ability of a good book to help me escape, learn, and re-appreciate the power of the word
6. The enjoyment of a few hours gliding through the pool water while listening to music
7. The quiet peace that comes from sitting by a body of water
8. The language of joy that comes from being in nature
9. The joy that comes from small things---comfy pajama pants, a quiet spot created just for me, college football games on TV, bubble baths, and new food creations.
10. The new-found satisfaction in just being---not doing, but just being.

Just as the rain is hitting my roof and watering my thirsty plants and trees, I am trying to soak in the relationships, faith, and life experiences that can refresh and revive my soul.

For all who are feeling parched and thirsty, as I have been, I hope we will:

”Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.”
Langston Hughes